s o l a
S o l a is a technological house-capsule for getting lost far away in nature
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On a strategic session with a client, we've created two products based on audiences' demands:
1. An option to buy your S o l a and move it to any place in the world.
2. Opportunity to rent S o l a for one of our retreat programs with a personal coach.
Imagine a land yacht that you can buy and move to any corner of the planet. The owner gets total privacy and connection to nature but with comfort and five-star service. A water yahct option is also available.
The second product based on S o l a is a set of specially prepared retreat programs. Their cost already includes capsule rental and professional coach's service
The website is created in a natural palette, it allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of your great escape from the rest of the world
Enjoy the silence of natural shades
To keep our smooth and calm vibe in mobile version, we have edited all the content and adapted the amount of information to a smaller format.
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Strategy director
Creative director
Art director, Illustrator
UI Director
UX director